by wzccny | Jun 7, 2020 | Talks
JOURNEY FROM HARVARD TO A NIGERIAN TOMATO FARM – PLANTING THE SEEDS OF POSITIVE GROWTHMira is a fascinating social entrepreneur with an inspiring story to tell, including the following facets of her journey:brief background of how she was raised: values...
by wzccny | Jun 19, 2019 | Registration
WZCC NEW YORK CHAPTER invites you to participate in a GAHAMBAR CELEBRATION and experience the mid-summer MAIDYOSHEM GAHAMBAR with family and friends! WHEN: July 28, 2019, 12 Noon (snacks available 11:30am...
by wzccny | Apr 8, 2018 | Registration
WZCC – NY Chapter in collaboration with SPARK Business Academy is excited to announce an innovative program to empower your children with an entrepreneurial mindset. On Youth Entrepreneurship Day, SPARK Business Academy will introduce kids in the age groups of 5-10...
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